At Permatech, our service doesn’t end just because we’ve finished our foundation or drainage work. We always take care of our clients and we make sure you don’t encounter the same problems.
For our previous client in Dallas, we initially did foundation repair and installed root barriers for them. However, we suspected that drainage was a problem on the left side of their house. The recent rains we’ve experienced just confirmed our suspicions, so the homeowners called us again to resolve the new problem.
During the recent rainy season, our client tried to set up some rain barrels to collect some of the water, but it wasn’t enough for the amount of rain coming down. As a result, there was stagnant water in areas close to the foundation. If left like this, they would most likely have foundation issues again along the left side of the house.
To prevent future foundation problems, we installed a new drain line down the property line. It goes through the alleyway by the side of the house and drains to daylight.
We also installed 5 catch basins in low areas where the water is likely flowing into, and hooked the downspouts into the drain, so they wouldn’t just discharge into the backyard.
With the new drain line, our Dallas client won’t have to worry of any more foundation problems throughout their home.
At PermaTech Foundation Repair, you will always get trustworthy services that can solve all your foundation problems. We’ll be more than happy to stop by, evaluate it, and determine the best solution. If you need foundation repair, we’re here to help. Call or text us at 214-326-0718 today. We’ll get the job done for you on time, on budget.