Our dream homes are places of comfort and peace. We want our home to be a sanctuary where we can relax without any worries. Unfortunately, this will be hard to achieve without a proper drainage system.
But why would a drainage system matter? Isn’t the roof or the foundation more important? Because the drainage system is responsible for getting rid of extra water on our properties, not having one will result in water damage, slow draining, leaking, bad odors and more. Unless you’re okay with collapsing foundations and flooded basements, you’ll consider investing in one.
In this week’s featured project, we work with a client in McKinney , Texas who had an existing drainage system. Something was very wrong with it, though.
Trouble in McKinney: Blocked Pop-ups Lead to Flooding in a Home
A McKinney owner was experiencing trouble with his home’s drainage system. It kept on backing up. Because of this, his gutters would overflow with water which in turn would penetrate his home. Accumulating water will result in erosion while leaks inside the house can cause water damage, both of which are undesirable and would require expensive repairs.
He called us for help, so our team arrived to inspect the system. We were able to determine that there was a blockage in his drainage that could not be cleared. The most probable cause would be that there was no endpoint in the system for the water to clearly exit.
Our team excavated the end of the drainage system.
In doing so, we discovered that the old pop-up emitters were covered up when he had new landscaping installed.
These pop-ups are in charge of dispersing debris and surplus water away from the foundations of our homes. Since they could not open because of the landscaping, the debris had nowhere to go and ended up clogging the pipes.
Repairing a Drainage System for a Homeowner in McKinney
To address the issue, we pulled out the old pipes and cleaned them.
Once the pipes were clear of debris, we put them back in. This time, we made sure that the pop-up emitters were at the surface so that water could be discreetly diverted without worrying about any debris clogging up the pipes.
In addition, we even lowered the two existing landscaping grates so they would be more level with the ground. This way, it would be easier for water to get inside them.
It was a very short project which only took our expert team a couple of hours. We didn’t even have to use any materials for this, as we were able to recycle what the customer already had. Doing so reduced his overall costs.
Excess water can do a lot of harm to soils, plants, and properties. With his drainage system repaired, he no longer has to worry about flooding or the accumulation of stagnant water. There will also be lower chances of erosion occurring, which also protects his home’s foundation. Both his property and his loved ones are now better protected.
If you have any drainage problems, we can help you. Call or text us at 214-326-0718 today. We’ll get the job done for you on time, on budget.
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